Lead leads to cancer. Don't believe me, here is what Wikipedia has to say
Lead poisoning (also
known as plumbism, colica Pictonum, saturnism, Devon colic, or painter's colic) is a medical
condition in humans and other vertebrates caused by increased levels of the heavy metal lead in the body. Lead interferes with a variety of
body processes and is toxic to many organs and tissues including the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys, and reproductive and nervoussystems. It interferes with the development of the
nervous system and is therefore particularly toxic to children.
Lead is used in cosmetics too. The long stay
lipstick apparently have lead in it. Let us watch out for lead free and paraben
free cosmetics. List out the ones you know below.
I found this test online: I tried it on a few lipsticks of mine. It didn't turn black. (Thank God!)
Here is the test you can do yourself to find lead in your
1. Put some lipstick on your hand.
2. Use a Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.
3. If the lipstick colour changes to black,
Then you know the lipstick contains lead.
Try and let me know
your experience.